Saturday, August 12 2006, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Saturday, August 12
Israeli Consulate
180 Bloor Street West
(west of Avenue Road, north side of Bloor)
March to U.S. Consulate
360 University Avenue
(east of University, south side of Armoury)
Called by:
Canadian Arab Federation
Palestine House
Muslim Unity Group - Toronto
Jewish Women's Committee to End the Occupation
Canadian Peace Alliance
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
Trade Unionists Against the War
Even if you go through your day to day without ever discussing religion or politics with co-workers and strangers alike; you should try to attend your local march next weekend and add to the visible numbers who demand peace in their names.
Pretending it's a drama or cartoon playing out on the channel you never turn to on your television set will just leave you wondering where you've ended up; a third of the current Middle East's population will have been exterminated so efficiently that you won't even be aware that 20% of the deductions taken off your paycheque every week ended up making it all possible.
This isn't just something that can be waved off with the tagline that it's been happening forever. There is no time like the present for you to speak out for peace.
Watch a Video Letter:
From Beirut...to those who love us.